
How Long After Implantation Bleeding Can You Test

Implantation is the process by which the fertilized ovum is attached to the walls of the uterus. Due to the invasion of the endometrium lining which is rich in blood vessels, bleeding may occur. This is what is known as implantation bleeding. Since implantation is one of the beginning disquisitional moments of pregnancy, you lot may inquire, "How long after implantation bleeding can I exam?"

The process of implantation occurs in 3 stages which include:

  • Attachment of the ovum.
  • Implantation of the fertilized ovum onto the thick endometrium lining which may sometimes be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Final fixation of the ovum and the healing of the endometrium lining.

The procedure of implantation starts on the 6th mean solar day later fertilization, and past the 12th mean solar day, information technology is complete. During implantation, the ovum produces a hormone called HCG that helps the body to prepare for the baby. HCG is the human chorionic gonadotropin. It is the detection of this hormone in a woman's claret that determines whether she is pregnant.

Pregnancy Exam M ethods

There are ii pregnancy exam methods, the blood tests and the at-home tests. Well-nigh mothers may prefer the dwelling house-based test because they don't cost a lot of money as compared to claret tests that involve going to a doctor.

• Blood tests

Blood tests pregnancy


To take a blood test, you will need to visit a dispensary where your blood samples will be taken and tested. The blood test aims at determining your pregnancy past detecting the HCG hormone in your blood.

• At-dwelling house tests

The home-based pregnancy tests besides work past detecting the HCG hormone in your urine. The home-based tests will require you to wait a piddling longer as compared to the claret tests since information technology takes time for the HCG hormone traces to find their way to your urine.

How Long I mplantation B leeding South hould Last

Information technology is very important that yous know how long implantation bleeding should last so that yous don't mistake it for something else. Implantation haemorrhage varies in every adult female. For some women, it may merely happen once while for some, implantation bleeding may occur for two or three days. If the bleeding occurs for more than three days, then yous need to pay close attention to your body. You may want to run into your doctor so that you are assured that in that location is nothing else going on.

How Long Implantation Bleeding Should Last

The bleeding equally a result of implantation takes place slowly because the blood slowly leaks out of your cervix and comes out through the vagina. It finally comes out and will announced as blood spots on your underwear. The color of the blood should be pinkish or brownish.

How Shortly Should You Test A fter Implantation?

Once implantation has occurred, the level of the HCG hormone in the body volition increase. All pregnancy tests are based on the detection of this hormone in the claret or urine. After implantation has occurred, the level of the HCG hormone doubles every 48 hours.

The level of this hormone in the trunk has to attain a certain amount for information technology to be detected in the blood or urine. The HCG levels have to attain 25mIU/ml for it to be detected by the tests. If information technology is lower, yous may test negative when in the real sense yous are pregnant.

In well-nigh cases, after 4 to 5 days after implantation haemorrhage, the level of the HCG hormone would have reached detectable levels in the body. It is as well recommended that should you test negative after you accept experienced implantation bleeding, and so you should wait for at least iv days to take the examination again. This will allow time for the levels of HCG to ramp upward until it reaches the required level for it to exist detected in your claret.

If y'all are taking the at-home tests, you lot should wait for 6 to 7 days before your test. This is because it takes longer for the HCG level in your urine to attain 25mIU/ml. If you test negative, then you should look after for 4 days before you take that urine exam again.

A Negative Test Afterwards I mplantation B leeding, What Could It Mean?

A negative pregnancy tin be heartbreaking if you have been trying to accept a baby for months. To add more reliability to your exam, check ovulation calculator to verify if yous were in your peak fertile days. You should non lose hope since it might be as a result of you testing too early. You can expect for 4 days earlier testing once more. Studies show that 65% of tests carried out 6 days later on implantation always test negative. Studies too show that false negative tests are very mutual and happen to 9 out of xv women.

However, testing negative several days later on implantation haemorrhage may too hateful something else. It may be because your pregnancy is ectopic. In an ectopic pregnancy, the level of HCG increases less intensively making it very hard to be detected.

If you are weeks past the date your implantation bleeding occurred and you have as well missed your periods only however tests negative, y'all should visit your md so that they can comport blood tests on you and other medical examinations. This is because the negative tests after implantation haemorrhage may also be as a event of tumours, Hemolysis and Lipidemia.

Ways You Can Further Confirm A Positive Pregnancy Test Later Implantation Bleeding.

pregnancy symptoms

One time yous take tested positive for pregnancy afterwards implantation haemorrhage, paying closer attention to yourself for subjective pregnancy symptoms tin can assistance to confirm your results. These symptoms include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea and airsickness
  • Delay of your periods
  • Swollen and sensitive breasts
  • Increased fatigability

Still, 100% confirmation of your pregnancy tin can only be washed past your gynaecologist subsequently making an ultrasound exam on you. A home pregnancy test is thus an of import attribute for early screening of pregnancy, simply just your gynaecologist tin can guarantee the completely accurate consequence.


Implantation bleeding is one of the clearest signs that you lot are meaning. Information technology occurs in the earlier stages of pregnancy when the fertilised ovum attaches itself to the thick and mucous lining of the uterine wall. It occurs 6 days after fertilisation has occurred. In some women, it may take upwardly to 12 days. This is considering it takes time for the fertilised ovum to travel to the uterus where it gets attached to the walls.

When it happens, you lot should look for four days before you can have a pregnancy test. Yous should too be conscientious not to confuse information technology with your periods. This is because the haemorrhage may sometimes be your early menses. If the bleeding is accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms listed above, and then congratulations, you are going to take a babe.


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