
How Long Should Dry Socket Packing Stay In

how long does dry socket have to heal?

(72 Posts)

PrammyMammy Tue 26-Jan-10 22:03:01

I had a tooth extracted on Thursday, take been in complete pain over the weekend and had to go back today. They said i take dry socket and cleaned it out then packed it with a dark-brown cotton thing that stinks.
How long before it heals? Should that be it sorted?

BelleDeChocolateFluffyBunny Tue 26-January-ten 22:05:24

Actually soon, mine took most five days IIRC, the cotton really helps, I remember the hurting easing really rapidly once information technology had been packed. It took a while for the gum to spread over the gap though.

kittywise Tue 26-January-x 22:06:24

Mine took a couple of monthssad

kittywise Tue 26-Jan-10 22:07:45

Yes the pain eased almost immediately once packed, but it took at lot of packs and ABs to sort it, sorry!

thisisyesterday Tue 26-January-10 22:12:51

oh it's horrid isn't it?
i had information technology and it was absolute agony.

the stuff they packed it with savage out and i had to take it done over again, it did the job though.
the pain reduced tremendously.

takes ages for the actual pigsty to completely heal though

PrammyMammy Tue 26-Jan-ten 22:20:26

Information technology is horrible. I had 2 natural births, but am crying with pain and on hurting killers every ii hours for a tooth extraction, information technology is crazy.

And so the hole heals, phew i had visions of me picking rice out of it for the balance of my days.

alypaly Wed 27-Jan-10 00:36:34

i had mine done xmas eve 2008 and my dentist took 1 hour to get my back tooth out. The root was curled and by the time he had finished the socket had stopped bleeding...therefore no blood clot formed which is necessary for the lesser to granulate and heal.I take a high pain threshold but this was driving me mad

By battle day i was crawling upwardly the walls and ready to throw myself under a bus with the hurting.
I looked ashen. Concluded upwards twice at A and East and had that brown yucky stuff you mentioned packed in and given pethidine tablets. A and Due east actually put some of that stuff in a bottle and so i could pack information technology myself.Its stuffed with clove oil and sense of taste disgusting,but it works temporarily as it calms the open nervus downwards.
Dentist re anaesthetised area to give me some temporary relief. He knew he had cocked up and should take asked the senior partner to arbitrate.
I was in consummate shock.
It took a complete month to become bearable. I could see the white os of my jaw os showing through the hole.

Apparently it happens to people who smoke or have smoked ,and so i must have been unlucky every bit i never have.
The senior partner has at present said that if i have any more removed he volition cut the gums and then stitch them so that this doenst happen again.He was good enough to come out and treat me on Xmas twenty-four hours.
It wasnt his fault...i was just unlucky.
Continue baging ibuprofen and get some 30/500 co-codamol from the doc or if it is severe ,pethidine tablets short term.

BelleDeChocolateFluffyBunny Wed 27-Jan-x 00:xl:00

The hole heals over so in that location's just gum there. I withal call up the torture though, information technology's been two years now. The dentist tried root canal but his fingers were on the chunky side and my mouth wouldn't open broad enough and so he had to pull information technology out. sad

I actually feel for you.

alypaly Wednesday 27-January-10 00:fifty:39

aye the hole does eventually heal over in most people but my dentist stitched mine to terminate the pain every bit mine was taking then long. Had to remove a piece of splintered bone about 3 months subsequently aswell. This worked its mode to the surface and was really sharp.

jasper Midweek 27-Jan-10 01:06:06

predisposing factors for dry socket:

Patient is young, female , smoker

Tooth is molar/lower , difficult extraction, lots of anaesthetic needed.

May be as few as 2 days or several weeks before information technology heals

alypaly Wednesday 27-January-x 09:26:51

i never used to be frightened at all of the dentist and ive had loads of root canals and crowns,at present i am petrified after that one hour extraction

Francagoestohollywood Wed 27-January-x 09:30:57

My sympathies, a dry socket is horrid, I know sad. Mine healed relatively speedily later on the offset medication of evil-smelling brown thingy. I didn't need ABs.

Francagoestohollywood Wed 27-Jan-ten 09:34:06

Oh my goodness Alypaly, that's horrific!
Btw, I never used to mind seeing a dentist besides, but since the extraction (quite traumatic) that acquired the dry socket I have been dreading sitting on a dentist's chair.

PrammyMammy Wed 27-Jan-x thirteen:51:12

Aly, that is scary to read. I was on the chair for 90 minutes so maybe that had something to practise with it.
I just took some co-codamol that i was prescribed for whiplash, and then it feels reasonable the at present - but withal horrible. All i tin taste is that stuff.

I don't/never have smoked. Am not on the pill. Didn't use a straw.

Can't look till information technology is over. I am going to a political party on sabbatum, with a big fat confront.

alypaly Wed 27-January-10 17:36:59

gosh 90 minutes...was that for ane extraction. No wonder yous have a dry out socket. The clot volition take been moved away.
Thats why they e'er say rinse advisedly later an extraction because they dont want y'all to wash the blood jell abroad.

I am actually scared of having any problems....and annoyed that it was assumed i was a smoker when i have never touched the stuff.
Information technology was a back molar.....where was yours prammy

PrammyMammy Wed 27-Jan-10 18:xx:xiv

Yeah, it was simply the 1, upper left 6. Someone walked into me at work and hit my chin causing it to break in a higher place the mucilage then they had to take it out.
It makes you terrified eh, when they were rinsing it yesterday i was tense, whereas before i wasn't scared at all.

alypaly Midweek 27-January-10 18:57:25

mine was a lower tooth and all the root was clawed then it would never have come out easily[scared emotion]

Purplebuns Wednesday 27-Jan-10 18:59:33

I had this and went for 2 weeks thinking I was just being a wimp...

When I went back to have more teeth, removed the dentist packed information technology then. And mentioned that the bone starts to die shock and that is what really hurts?

I think it took nearly ii weeks for the pain to go away.

I had it in two sockets and one tooth took 45 mins to come out and then I guess that is why.

I hope you lot feel better soon, it is awful

alypaly Wednesday 27-Jan-ten nineteen:06:21

no pain killers seem to piece of work ,but that awful brown gooey thread stuff seems to exist the best just information technology doesnt stay in the hole long enough.

Ive ended up with a actually bumpy jaw bone where information technology was splintered so i am dreading ever having simulated teeth as i am certain information technology will rub....and i could never afford implantsshock

shivster1980 Wed 27-Jan-10 19:23:45

You could try rubbing oragel on the gum every bit an actress hurting relief. I have found the all-time over the counter painkiller to exist Paramol. They are a paracetamol/dihydrocodeine combination. Besides Corsodyl mouthwash is good every bit an antiseptic.

I have had two extractions sad both from bottom fix.
The first was hideous and it took ages to extract and the dentist kept slipping and belting my top teeth with the instruments. I remember proverb "I only want i bloody molar out!" through the anesthetic and instruments in my oral cavity.
Then I got dry out socket!

The second was worse. The guy was a encarmine butcher. Pulling and yanking at it for ages and then chopping information technology in half with the drill shock Then he let me go out with blood all over my chin. However one expert thing about that extraction was I told the dentist about my previous dry socket and antibiotics and he prescribed a low dose as a preventative measure which worked and thank God I didn't accept to go back to him!!

Dry socket is bloody hideous - OP I hope you feel better soon!

Purplebuns Wednesday 27-Jan-10 xix:37:14

Difflam is a really, really good anaesthetic mouthwash, I think information technology may be prescription just though.

alypaly Midweek 27-Jan-10 20:24:31

just supposed to rinse with a diluted salt solution afterwards an extraction.

Yous can buy difflam OTC but its mainly given out for gargling for sore throats

shibsy Sat 24-Nov-12 11:05:53

HELP Dry out SOCKET HELL! I just constitute this thread past blow and information technology seems a lot of people have had this. I am 40 yrs old, have 3 year old twins and a half-dozen year erstwhile and am at present a lone parent so you can imagine...this is NO walk in the park for me (non that it is for anyone!). I take had this for i calendar month and one twenty-four hours with no improvement. I have had the clove dressings, the flushing with corsadyl, I am on my 5th course of antibiotics. I have had i maxofax doc say that information technology's much also long for the dry socket to be causing it and the roots must be infected (Ihad a coronectomy where my dorsum wisdom tooth roots were left in as they were so close to the nerve they were concerned about nerve damage). She said that there would exist no other cure but to take out the roots! The very next day I saw a consultant in the same hospital, same dept who said that is most likey NOT the case and information technology's just the dry out socket! I told him about everyone maxim the healing has taken likewise long for that...even my dentist thought that but I take seen some of y'all say you had information technology two years!!!!!!!! Everything I look at online says three weeks maximum! The maxfax consultant did non seem to call back that was the case. Can anyone tell me if they have had an unusually long healing time for this condition and if it did in fact, finally resolve? I am then depressed at this point, can't sleep, can't eat! Had to send my kids to their Dads and even have them miss ane day of school (as he is so far away) because I experience I tin't cope and just demand some balance. Please assist!

Jbocco Thu 03-Jan-13 14:11:26

Gosh I feel for you all. I have a tooth taken out exactly two weeks ago. Information technology was supposed to be a filling, simply afterward 20 mins of drilling and scraping, the dentist said he could not save information technology and wanted to extract it. I agreed. Later on 5 injections and an hour subsequently there was no sign of the molar coming out. He and so said he needed to break the tooth in to pieces to get information technology out. which i had to agree to as there was no other way. Subsequently what seemed like for ever, pulling and tugging and using loads of different tools, he and then said, he thought he had got information technology out, but was unsure if the roof was completely out. He said non to worry and if ther root was nonetheless in the gum it would come out by itself, naturally. I was in agony all over christmas with information technology. Last th I went to the emergency dentist, who said it was a dry socket and filled it with the packing stuff. The hurting went al virtually imemediately, just inside 2 days it fell out and the pain was back. I went to a unlike dentist on Monday (new years eve). He washed the socket out and re-packed it which was absolute agony, I don't ever retrieve i have experienced such pain earlier, and I accept given birth to 6 kids !!! anyhow he took an xray and said the root is still in there ! If it didn't settle downwardly within a few weeks, the root would demand cutting out. Later on x mins of severe desperation the hurting started to fade. and has been okay till today (ii weeks after extraction). so the packing has come out again, back to the dentist this afternoon, you can see all the os in at that place and in that location is no sign of the socket healing !!! I have no thought what to do next, I tin not stand the pain of him rinsing and packing it again, expecially as there is no sign that it is making it heel. I take a bit of a dentist phobia besides, which is making things worse, I shake ridicously throughout whatever treatment, and near get to the signal of colapsing, which is then embarassing. I actually exercise not desire to have my gums cut they are so sore at the moment. and I forgot to add together I am now on course 3 of antibiotics. ! I have five children to look after and hubby is dorsum at piece of work, I am so miserable at the moment, I don't desire to become out because the pain is so bad and I feel ill and dizzy all the fourth dimension ! whatsoever help would exist appreciated, how long is this going to concluding !

shefon Monday 14-Jan-13 11:46:13

Try using clove oil! Information technology is a phenomenon I also take dry socket I rinse my oral cavity at least iv times a day with Listerine and anytime later I swallow anything! You tin put some on a piece of folded upward gauze, cotten brawl or even on a q tip and rub or put on the socket it don't take much of the oil to piece of work either! Clove oil sense of taste nasty! and does burn a bit but, OMG it is fantastic at removing the pain! I got information technology at GNC I heard that walgreens carries it also simply the ones here did non. I don't know how long it takes to heal but clove oil is my best friend until it does [wing]

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